Warm thanks and much appreciation on behalf of the Deaf children
and youth who we serve to current and recent funders:

And SLED’s many friends both locally and abroad who have stepped in to make sure the work for Deaf children’s education can continue!
If you would like to make a donation please do so via direct deposit or EFT
Account name: SLED
Bank Name: Standard Bank
Branch: Rosebank
Branch #: 004305
Account #: 402 103 238
Account Type: Cheque
Swift code: SBZAZAJJ
Please email your payment confirmation and contact details to info@sled.org.za
We appreciate your support for establishing good education for Deaf children!!
SLED works together with other role players in the field of Deaf education, first and additional language education, Deaf rights, South African Sign Language and literacy. These include the National Department of Basic Education, the Provincial Education Departments, District Officials responsible for Deaf education, schools for Deaf learners, academics in the field of Deaf education and South African Sign Language, local, national and international Deaf organisations including the World Federation of the Deaf as well as organisations working in the fields of literacy, mother tongue education and reading.